Sunday, May 23, 2010

VVT-I dan V-tec

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Senin, 08 Januari 2007 17:23 - Sekarang ini, di Indonesia mobil–mobil baru banyak menggunakan mesin dengan sistem penggerak katup, VVT-I, VTEC, valvetronik atau vanos. Toyota umumnya menamai mesinya VVT-I. Sedangkan Honda menamainya VTEC.
Sistim VVT-i (Variable Valve Timing - Intelligent) merupakan serangkaian peranti untuk mengontrol penggerak camshaft. Maksudnya adalah menyesuaikan waktu bukaan katup dengan kondisi mesin. Sehingga bisa didapat torsi optimal di setiap tingkat kecepatan. Sekaligus menghemat bahan bakar dan mengurangi emisi gas buang.
Pada mesin Toyota, sistim ini diaplikasikan pada katup masuk. Waktu bukaan camshaft bisa bervariasi pada rentang 60 derajat. Misalnya, pada saat start, kondisi mesin dingin dan mesin stasioner tanpa beban, timing dimundurkan 30 derajat.
Cara ini bakal menghilangkan overlap. Yaitu peristiwa membukanya katup masuk dan buang secara bersamaan di akhir langkah pembuangan karena katup masuk baru akan membuka beberapa saat setelah katup buang menutup penuh. Logikanya, pada kondisi ini mesin tak perlu bekerja ekstra.
Dengan tertutupnya katup buang, tak ada bahan bakar yang terbuang saat terisap ke ruang bakar. Konsumsi BBM jadi hemat dan mesin lebih ramah lingkungan.Sedangkan saat ada beban, timing akan maju 30 derajat . Derajat overlapping akan meningkat. Tujuannya untuk membantu mendorong gas buang plus memanaskan campuran bahan bakar dan udara yang masuk. Selain itu, waktu kompresi juga bertambah karena katup masuk juga menutup lebih cepat. Efeknya, efisiensi volumetrik jadi lebih baik.
Untuk mewujudkannya, ada VVT-i controller pada timing gear di intake camshaft. Alat ini terdiri atas housing (rumah), kemudian di dalamnya ada ruangan oli untuk menggerakkan vane (baling-baling).
Baling-baling itu terhubung dengan camshaft. Di dalamnya terdapat dua jalur oli menuju masing-masing ruang oli di dalam rumah VVT-i controller. Dari jalur oli yang berbeda inilah, vane akan mengatur waktu bukaan katup.
Posisi advance timing maju didapat dengan mengisi oli ke ruang belakang masing-masing bilah vane. Sehingga vane akan bergerak maju dan posisi timing pun ikut maju 30 derajat. Tekanan olinya sendiri disediakan oleh camshaft timing Oli Control Valve yang diatur oleh ECU mesin.
Kebalikannya, untuk kondisi retard (mundur), ruang di depan vane akan terisi dan posisi timing mundur. Sedangkan kalau dibutuhkan pada kondisi standar, ada pin yang akan mengunci posisi vane tetap ada di tengah.
Sebenarnya masih ada sistem yang lebih canggih, namanya VVTL-i (Variable Valve Timing Lift-Intelligent). Selain memainkan waktu bukaan katup, tingginya pun ikut dibedakan.
Teknologi canggih Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Controlled (VTEC) hasil inovasi Honda ini menampilkan mekanisme berbeda. Perbedaan utamanya adalah pada pergerakan katup masuknya. Pada mesin 16 valve, terdapat masing-masing dua katup masuk dan buang di tiap silinder.
VTEC diaplikasikan hanya pada katup masuk. Pada katup inilah pengontrolan efisiensi mesin lebih berpengaruh. Asumsinya, proses pembuangan tak memerlukan pembukaan katup variabel sebab semakin lancar gas buang, kerja mesin akan semakin enteng.
Pada mesin VTEC, kedua katup masuk tak selalu bergerak bareng. Misalnya, di putaran rendah hanya ada satu klep yang membuka. Bukaannya pun relatif kecil karena karakter camshaft yang menonjok katup ini cocok buat putaran rendah. Kondisi ini dinilai pas untuk mesin. Karena pada putaran rendah tak perlu suplai udara banyak. Selain itu, bisa terjadi turbulensi udara untuk membantu mencampur bahan bakar. Mesin jadi irit, efisien, juga ramah lingkungan.
Seiring naiknya putaran mesin, kebutuhan suplai udara juga meningkat. Langsung dijawab dengan katup kedua. Bukaannya lebih besar karena nok chamshaft punya karakter derajat lebih tinggi. Asyiknya, katup pertama tadi ikut membuka lebih lebar. Hal ini disebabkan ada pin yang menghubungkan rocker arm dan mendorong pin. Otomatis pin tadi akan mengunci kedua rocker arm. Karena rocker arm kedua digerakkan oleh nok camshaft yang berdurasi lebih tinggi, gerakan katup pertama jadi mengikuti.
Selain VTEC ada juga i-VTEC (intelligent VTEC) yang juga dilengkapi mekanisme memajukan dan memundurkan pengapian. Tentu hasilnya lebih maksimal untuk meningkatkan efisiensi mesin. (forumotomotif/rsd)

cara kerja mesin motor 2-tak

2. Langkah kompresi dan pembakaran
a) Torak bergerak dari TMB ke TMA.
b) Saluran bilas dan buang tertutup, terjadi langkah kompresi, dan setelah mencapi tekanan tinggi busi memercikan bunga api listrik untuk membakar campuran bensin dengan udara tadi
c) Pada saat yang bersamaan juga dibawah ( didalam bak engkolmesin ) bahan bakar yang baru masuk ke dalam bak mesin melalui saluran masuk.

cara kerja mesin motor 4-tak

Mengapa mesin disebut 4 tak, karena memang ada 4 langkah. Berikut adalah detail dari setiap proses. Untuk memudahkannya, maka setting email anda ke HTML sehingga gambar akan terlihat berurutan. Gambar diambil dari website Pada website ini, gambar terlihat bergerak. Tetapi untuk memudahkan, gambar sengaja diset per langkah.
1. Intake
Disebut langkah intake karena langkah pertama adalah menghisap melalui piston dari karburator. Pasokan bahan bakar tidak cukup hanya dari semprotan karburator. Cara kerjanya adalah sbb. Piston pertama kali berada di posisi atas (atau disebut Titik Mati Atas). Lalu piston menghisap bahan bakar yang sudah disetting/dicampur antara bensin dan udara di karburator. Piston lalu mundur menghisap bahan bakar. Untuk membuka, diperlukan klep atau valve inlet yang akan membuka pada saat piston turun/menghisap ke arah bawah.
Gerakan valve atau inlet diatur oleh camshaft secara mekanis. Yakni, camshaft mengatur besaran bukaan klep dengan cara menekan tuas klep. Camshaft sendiri digerakan oleh rantai keteng yang disambungkan antara camshaft ke crankshaft. Untuk detilnya, lihat gambar berikut.
Perhatikan bahwa A adalah Intake Valve (klep masuk bahan bakar) dan klep ini ditekan (membuka) karena I (camshaft) menekan valve A. Dengan demikian, pada saat piston turun, maka A terbuka sekaligus bahan bakar ditarik masuk ke ruang bakar. A akan menutup sampai batas tertentu sebelum langkah kedua : kompresi. Rantai keteng tidak terlihat karena akan sulit digambarkan di atas, tetapi crankshaft (P) terhubung dengan camshaft (I). Beberapa mobil Eropa seperti Mercedez menggunakan rantai sebagai penghubung antara crankshaft dan camshaft, tetapi umumnya di mobil Jepang menggunakan belt yang kita kenal sebagai timing belt.
2. Kompresi
Langkah ini adalah lanjutan dari langkah di atas. Setelah piston mencapai titik terbawah di tahapan intake, lalu valve intake tertutup, dan dilakukan proses kompresi. Yakni, bahan bakar yang sudah ada di ruang bakar dimampatkan. Ruangan sudah tertutup rapat karena kedua valve (intake dan exhaust) tertutup. Proses ini terus berjalan sampai langkah berikut yakni meledaknya busi di langkah ke 3.
3. Combustion (Pembakaran)
Tahap berikut adalah busi pada titik tertentu akan meledak setelah PISTON BERGERAK MENCAPAI TITIK MATI ATAS DAN MUNDUR BEBERAPA DERAJAT. Jadi, busi tidak meledak pada saat piston di titik paling atas (disebut titik 0 derajat), tetapi piston mundur dulu, baru meledak. Hal ini karena untuk menghindari adanya energi yang terbuang sia-sia karena pada saat piston di titik mati atas, masih ada energi laten (yang tersimpan akibat dorongan proses kompresi). Jika pada titik 0 derajat busi meledak, bisa jadi piston mundur tetapi mengengkol crankshaft ke arah belakang (motor mundur ke belakang, bukan memutar roda ke depan).
Setelah proses pembakaran, maka piston memiliki energi untuk mendorong crankshaft yang nantinya akan dialirkan melalui gearbox dan sproket, rantai, dan terakhir ke roda.
4. Exhaust (Pembuangan)
Langkah terakhir ini dilakukan setelah pembakaran. Piston akibat pembakaran akan terdorong hingga ke titik yang paling bawah, atau disebut Titik Mati Bawah. Setelah itu, piston akan mendorong ke depan dan klep exhaust membuka sementara klep intake tertutup. Oleh karena itu, maka gas buang akan terdorong masuk ke lubang Exhaust Port (atau kita bilang lubang sambungan ke knalpot). Dengan demikian, maka kita bisa membuang semua sisa gas buang akibat pembakaran. Dan setelah bersih kembali, lalu kita akan masuk lagi mengulangi langkah ke 1 lagi.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sejarah Nissan Skyline

The Nissan Skyline (スカイライン in Japanese) is a line of compact cars originally produced by the Japanese carmaker Prince Motor Company starting in 1957 and subsequently by Datsun after the two companies merged in 1966. It is currently available in either coupé, or sedan body styles, with the wagon form being dropped in 1989 with the introduction of the R32 platform.
Iterations R30 to R34 of the Skyline are still popular tuner cars for Japanese car enthusiasts from the 1980s to today, especially with available features such as straight-6 engines, turbochargers, and the high-performance GT-R trim. While not distributed in the United States, the Skyline's prominence in video games, movies and magazines resulted in many such cars being imported there from 1999 to late 2005, after Motorex petitioned the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to allow 1990-1999 GT-Rs and GTSs to be imported, at the condition that they were modified to meet United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
The 11th generation Skyline (V35) was a major turning point for the nameplate, as it dropped the Skyline's trademark characteristics such as the straight-6 engine and turbocharging, and eventually separated the GT-R into its own line, a decision which extended to all later Skylines. Nissan decided to position the Skyline for the luxury-sport market, while its platform-mate, the 350Z, revived the Z line of pure sports cars. The V35 was the first Skyline made for export to North America, being sold under Nissan's luxury marque Infiniti as the G35. The Skyline (V36/J50) is sold in North America, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Middle East as the Infiniti G37.
April 11, 2010 saw a World record for the biggest ever Nissan Skyline meet and the most ever officially recognised on a track in the Guinness Book of WORLD RECORDS. This took place at Silverstone United Kingdom at the ISTS event.


Prince Skyline ALSI-1
Also called Prince Skyline
Production 1957-1963
33,759 units sold
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
4-door delivery van
2-door coupe
Layout FR layout
Engine(s) 1.5 L GA-30 I4
1.5 L GA-4 I4
1.9 L GB-30 I4
Wheelbase 2,535 mm (99.8 in)
Length 4,280 mm (168.5 in)
Width 1,675 mm (65.9 in)
Height 1,535 mm (60.4 in)
Curb weight ~1300 kg (~2866 lb)
Related Prince Skyway
Prince Miler

Prince Skyline ALSI-2
The first Skyline was introduced in April 1957, under the Prince marque, and was marketed as a luxury car. It featured a 1.5 L (1482 cc) GA-30 engine producing 44 kW (60 hp) @ 4,400 rpm.[7] It used a de Dion tube rear suspension and was capable of 140 km/h (87 mph). The car weighed around 1300 kg. Prince Skylines were produced as four door sedans and five door station wagons.
The Skyline also spawned a pickup truck called the Prince Miler and a delivery van called the Prince Skyway.


The Skyline was updated with quad headlights for 1958.
This model was powered by a slightly altered 1.5 L engine known as the GA-4 OHV (1484 cc) producing about 70 hp (52 kW) @ 4800 rpm and was produced through 1961.

Prince Skyline Sport BLRA-3


The Skyline Sport featured hand-built Michelotti bodies in stylish coupe and convertible versions. These cars used the 1.9 L (1862 cc/113 in³) GB-30 engine, producing 96 hp (72 kW) and 113.5 ft·lbf (154 N m). While only a few hundred were built, Prince Motors had a very aggressive product placement group and they can be seen (along the company's mainstream models) in many Toho films of the early 1960s.

[edit] S50 or BLSID

Prince Skyline S50 1500 Deluxe 001.jpg
Also called Prince Skyline
Production 1963-1968
114,238 units sold
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
Layout FR layout
Engine(s) 1.5 L G-1 I4 (S50)
2.0 L G-7 I6 (2000GT)
1.5 L G15 I4 (S57)
Transmission(s) 5-speed manual
Wheelbase 2,590 mm (102.0 in)
Length 4,255 mm (167.5 in)
Width 1,495 mm (58.9 in)
Height 1,410 mm (55.5 in)
Related Prince Skyway
Prince Miler
In 1961 Fuji Precision Industries changed its name to Prince after the 1954 merger, and the S50 series was launched, which like its predecessor, came in sedan and wagon bodystyles. This was the second generation car, and became one of the more desirable cars in Japan. It was powered by the G-1 engine, a 70 hp (52 kW) version of the old GA-4. A 1862 cc engine was also available, delivering 91 hp (68 kW). The S50 series were available with a 3-speed column shift transmission or a 4-speed floor shift transmission, as well as a 4-door sedan (S50) or a 5-door wagon (W50).
In 1962, this model was restyled as the S21S series.
Three models of the S50 were built: S50E (1962–1965), S50E-2 (1965–1966), and S50E-3 (1967). All three used the same engines.
The S50 was further developed with new styling for 1963, and was sold in some markets with an A150 designation. The S50 was also sold as the A190D, which was equipped with a diesel engine.
In 1966, Nissan and Prince merged and the S50 also appeared with Nissan Skyline badging. This model lasted in production through 1967. In 1967, the S50E-3 was introduced. It was sold as Prince Skyline, Prince A150, PMC A150, or Nissan A150.


S54 Skyline 2000GT
Prince created a racing GT Skyline in May 1964. It was based on the S54 and used the larger 6-cylinder G-7 engine from the Gloria S40, though the car needed an 8" extension to the wheelbase (all forward of the cowl/firewall) to provide space in the engine bay for the lankier in-line six. When it entered the 2nd Japanese Grand prix they hoped to win the GT-II class. Competitive against the Porsche 904, the Skyline managed 2nd through to 6th places.
Largely due to the success of the race vehicle, the Prince 2000GT (also called GT-A, GT-B, S54A and S54B) was released to the Japanese market. There were two versions produced:
  • S54A - 1988 cc G-7 single-carb I6, 105 hp (78 kW)
  • S54B - 1988 cc G-7 triple-carb I6, 125 hp (94 kW)
The B model featured three Weber 40DCOE-18 carburetors, a limited slip differential, 5-speed close ratio manual transmission, and power brakes. Both the B and A used front disc brakes with dual pistons and alloy finned drums in the rear.


The S50 Skyline was updated to become the S57 in 1967. It used a Nissan engine, the OHC 1.5 L (1487 cc) G15. At 88 hp (66 kW), it was the most-powerful engine in the Japanese 1500 cc class.


C10 Nissan Skyline Sedan 1500 Deluxe
Also called the "Hakosuka" Skyline
Production 1968-1972
310,447 units sold
Assembly Oppama, Japan
Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
5-door station wagon
2-door coupe
Layout FR layout
Engine(s) 1.5 L G15 I4
1.8 L G18 I4
2.0 L L20 I6 (2000GT)
2.0 L S20 I6 (GT-R)
Wheelbase 2,640 mm (103.9 in) (sedan)
Length 4,430 mm (174.4 in) (sedan)
Width 1,595 mm (62.8 in)
Height 1,405 mm (55.3 in) (sedan)
Related Nissan Laurel
The C10 series of 1968, which began its development under Prince at the company's Opama R&D centre in the suburbs of Tokyo, was marketed with a Nissan badge. By the time the C10 went on sale, the Prince nameplate had been completely phased out on cars and trucks. The dealer network selling the cars became the Prince channel of Nissan, and the marketing group stayed at the Prince headquarters in Mita instead of moving to Nissan's headquarters in Ginza. The C10 Skyline was launched with Nissan's 1.5 L OHC G15 I4 like the S57. A 1.8 L G18 version was also available.
A station wagon variant, known previously as the Prince Skyway, was offered with this generation. A hardtop coupé was introduced in 1970.


Skyline 2000 GT-X (coupe)
In 1970, the KGC10 2000GT-X received a 2.0 L (1998 cc) L20 I6 engine. The chassis was already designed to receive a straight six, to avoid the S54 extension problem. 120 hp (78 kW) was available from this new engine.


Skyline 2000 GT-X (sedan)
The following year, the GC10 2000GT received a 2.0 L (1998 cc) L20 I6 engine. The chassis was already designed to receive a straight six, to avoid the S54 extension problem. 105 hp (78 kW) was available from this new engine.


Nissan Skyline KGC10 GT-X (L20 engine)
The first GT-R Skyline appeared in February 1969. Called the PGC-10 (KPGC-10 for later coupé version) internally and Hakosuka (ハコスカ) by fans. Hako (ハコ) means Box in Japanese, and suka(スカ) is short for Skyline (スカイライン; Sukairain). It used the 2.0 L (1998 cc) S20 I6. This new DOHC engine produced 160 hp (118 kW, 180 N m), equal to the best sports cars of the time, and was similar to the GR8 engine used in the Nissan R380 racing car.
The GT-R began as a sedan, but a 2-door coupé version was introduced in March 1971. The cars were stripped of unnecessary equipment to be as light as possible for racing, and performed well at the track. The sedan racked up 33 victories in less than two years, and the coupé stretched this to 50 through 1972.[8]
The C10 raced against many cars including the Toyota 1600 GT5, Isuzu Bellett GTR, Mazda Familia (R100) & Capella (RX-2) - even Porsche. In late 1971 the new Mazda RX-3 became the GT-R's main rival. The GT-R managed a few more victories before the RX-3 ended the GT-R's winning streak.
It is claimed that the art of drifting began among Japanese racers when they purposely engaged their hand brakes as a way to oversteer on their GT-Rs.citation needed One such driver who is famous for this was Kunimitsu Takahashi.
  • 1500 - 1.5 L G15 I4, 95 hp (71 kW, 128 N m)
  • 1800 - 1.8 L G18 I4, 105 hp (78 kW, 150 N m)
  • 2000GT - 2.0 L L20E I6, 120 hp (90 kW, 167 N m)
  • 2000GT-R - 2.0 L S20 I6, 160 hp (118 kW, 180 N m)


Japanese NISSAN Skyline C110.jpg
Also called the "Ken and Mary" Skyline
Production 1972-1977
670,562 units sold
Assembly Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
5-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Engine(s) 1.6 L G16 I4
1.8 L G18 I4
2.0 L L20B I4
2.0 L S20 I6
2.4 L L24 I6
Wheelbase 2,610 mm (102.8 in)
Length 4,460 mm (175.6 in)
Width 1,395 mm (54.9 in)
Height 1,625 mm (64.0 in)
Related Nissan Laurel

C110 Nissan Skyline GT-R

C110 Nissan Skyline Hardtop 2000 GTX-E ( KGC111 )
The C110 generation was produced from 1972 through 1977.
For export in the 1970s, the C110 and GC110 Skyline was sold as the Datsun K-series, with models such as the Datsun 160K, 180K and Datsun 240K.
The body styles were, once again, four-door sedan, two-door hardtop coupé, and five-door station wagon. The C110 was more fussy in its styling than its predecessor, particularly so in wagon form, where unusually for a wagon design, no windows were fitted between the C and D pillars. The C110 was the first version to feature the round rear lights, typical of later Skyline designs.
The C110 Skyline was better known as the "Ken & Mary" or "Kenmeri" (ケンメリ) Skyline, stemming from the advertisement campaign in Japan at the time which featured a young couple (Ken and Mary) who relaxed and enjoyed the countryside in Ken and Mary's Skyline (ケンとメリーのスカイライン). The ads were highly successful and perhaps as a result the C110 was sold in very large numbers in Japan. It sold just as well in Australia (in a 2.4L 6-cylinder form, badged as "Datsun 240K") , though few survive today. There, the 240K was about the same price as a Ford Falcon GT or BMW 5 series, around $5000.
This was the first series that was no longer regarded as a compact sedan under Japanese vehicle classification regulations due to the engine displacement exceeding 2000  cc


The Nissan Skyline GT-R hardtop arrived in September 1972 but only lasted until March 1973, when Nissan ceased its production. The oil crisis saw many people preferring economy cars and high-performance sports cars were looked down upon. Nissan pulled out of Motor Racing, so there was no purpose to the GT-R. It was not officially exported anywhere, although Nissan contemplated exporting to Australia. Only 197 KPGC110 GT-Rs were ever sold in Japan,[9] through specialist Nissan Performance shops (before it was called NISMO). This was the last GT-R for 16 years until the BNR32 in 1989.
  • 1600GT - 1.6 L G16 I4
  • 1800GT - 1.8 L G18 I4
  • 2000GT-X - 2.0 L L20A I6, 130 hp (96 kW, 172 N m)
  • 2000GT-R - 2.0 L S20 I6, 160 hp (118 kW, 180 N m)


C210 2000 GT-EX Skyline.
C211 2000 GT-EL
Production 1977-1981
539,727 units sold
Assembly Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
5-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Engine(s) 1.6 L L16T I4
1.8 L L18T I4
2.0 L L20E I6
2.0 L L20ET I6
Wheelbase 2,615 mm (103.0 in)
Length 4,600 mm (181.1 in)
Width 1,625 mm (64.0 in)
Height 1,390 mm (54.7 in)
Related Nissan Laurel

C211 Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-EX (coupe)
The succeeding C210/211 and GC210/211 of 1977 continued to split the Skyline range into basic and six-cylinder models, the latter with a longer front end. This line continued through 1981. The Datsun C211 240K/280K and 240C/280C variants continued for export.
A rare variant would be the wagon version, which had a unique styling treatment behind the rear doors, of a much smaller window than usual between the C and D pillars.
The GT-EX replaced the GT-R with a turbocharged engine, the L20ET. This was the first turbo engine to power a Japanese production vehiclecitation needed. One notable aspect of the turbo versions was that they were not intercooled and there was no form of blowoff valve, only an emergency pressure release valve.
The "T" designation on the L16T and L18T does not signify a turbocharger was included; it denotes that those engines came with twin carburetors.
  • 1600TI - 1.6 L L16T I4, 95 hp (71 kW, 132 N m)
  • 1800TI - 1.8 L L18T I4, 115 hp (86 kW, 152 N m)
  • 2000GT-EL - 2.0 L L20E I6, 130 hp (97 kW, 167 N m)
  • 2000GT-EX - 2.0 L L20ET turbo I6, 145 hp (108 kW, 206 N m)


R30 Nissan Skyline RS
Also called New-man SKYLINE(1983-1985)
Production 1981-1985
406,432 units sold
Assembly Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
5-door hatchback
5-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Engine(s) 1.8 L Z18S I4
1.8 L CA18E I4
2.0 L Z20E I4
2.8 L LD28 I6
2.0 L L20E I6
2.0 L L20ET I6
2.4 L L24E I6
2.8 L L28E I6
2.0 L FJ20E I4
2.0 L FJ20ET I4
Wheelbase 2,615 mm (103.0 in)
Length 4,620 mm (181.9 in)
Width 1,675 mm (65.9 in)
Height 1,385 mm (54.5 in)
Related Nissan Laurel

R30 EX Skyline

1981–1983 Nissan Skyline (R30) 2.4E sedan (Australia)
The names were brought into line with the home Japanese and worldwide markets with the launch of the R30 series in August 1981, which was built on a C31 Laurel platform. Unlike preceding generations, four and six-cylinder versions now shared a front end of the same length. The R30 was available as a two door hardtop coupe, a four door sedan, a five door hatchback (available only in the R30 generation) or a four door station wagon. In all, there were 26 variations of the R30 Skyline available.
All versions with the exception of the wagon were usually fitted with the four round tail lights that had become a regular feature to the Skyline's design. The wagon was the ugly duckling of the range, having different tail lights, headlights and no turbo or 6-cylinder versions available - it more closely resembled a Nissan Sunny than a Skyline. The two door coupe had pillarless doors and the unusual feature of roll-down quarter windows for the rear seat passengers (a styling feature of the previous C10, C110 and C211 coupes), while four door versions all had traditional framed windows.
Notably, configurations of the R30 sold in Australia and New Zealand were missing the traditional hotplate tail lights, instead opting for more conventional styling.
Various engine configurations were available, initially ranging from the top of the line 103 kW SOHC 6-cylinder turbo L20ET to the 4-cylinder Z18S and 6-cylinder RD28 diesel versions at the other end of the scale. The all-new 16-valve DOHC FJ20 engine debuted in late 1981, and was the first 4-cylinder engine by any Japanese manufacturer to employ more than two valves per cylinder (see below). Some of the top spec models featured adjustable suspension dampers that could be adjusted while driving, this was another first for mass produced JDM vehicles. Nissan Glorias and Laurels also used the L series engines as well as some diesel (Laurel only) variants.
The R30 range was facelifted in August 1983 with various changes across the board; for example four wheel disc brakes were now standard issue, instead of being optional for lower-spec models. Trim specifications were revised and the 4-cylinder Z18S engine was replaced with the newer CA18E. Upgraded interior trim, new front and rear bumpers, door-mounted wing mirrors (replacing the old 'hockey stick' fender mirrors) and smoked tail lights rounded out the look.

Paul Newman Version

Paul Newman Version bonnet decal
Also that year the Paul Newman Version R30 was released to commemorate the association between Nissan and the actor Paul Newman, who used to appear in promotional material as well as race for the company in the late 1970s - early 1980s. The Newman Skyline was simply a top spec GT-ES turbo with signature embroidery and decals, and is still sought after today amongst collectors in Japan.

[edit] RS

Facelift DR30 RS-Turbo Skyline, nicknamed "Iron Mask" for its distinctive front end treatment
Although making about the same power as the L20ET-powered GT-ES models, the version of the Skyline initially known as the 2000RS was released in October 1981 as more of a stripped-down lightweight racer, without as many luxury extras included (quoted curb weight was only 1,130 kg (2,500 lb)). These were equipped with the naturally aspirated 4-valve per cylinder DOHC FJ20E engine generating 110 kW (150 PS; 148 hp) of power at 6000 rpm and 181 N·m (133 lb·ft) of torque at 4800 rpm. The official Nissan chassis designation for all FJ20-powered models was DR30.
In February 1983 the DR30 range received a significant boost in performance with the introduction of the turbocharged FJ20ET engine in the 2000RS-Turbo. Front brakes were also significantly upgraded to cope with the power increase. Now with 140 kW (190 PS; 188 hp) of power at 6400 rpm and 225 N·m (166 lb·ft) of torque at 4800 rpm on tap, the FJ20ET enjoyed new-found prestige as the most powerful Japanese production engine of its era.
Nissan sought to elevate the status of the DR30 Skyline as their new flagship model in light of this success, and it received a generous amount of changes to distinguish it from lesser Skyline models in August 1983. Interior equipment was significantly upgraded to now include electric windows, air conditioning and power steering as standard in the new RS-X model (for Extra) with an increased curb weight of around 1,235 kg (2,723 lb); gone were the days of the spartan, stripped-out race interior, although this could still be specified at time of purchase. But by far the most striking change to the RS was the new unique front end treatment, nicknamed Tekamen (鉄仮面) or Iron Mask by fans for its distinctive look. The headlights were considerably slimmer, and instead of a conventional grille the bonnet now sloped down to two narrow slits above a facelifted front bumper and airdam.
Further changes were made in 1984, most notably the addition of an intercooler, revised compression ratios and turbocharger exhaust housing to the FJ20ET powered model, now known as the RS-Turbo C and increasing output to 151 kW (205 PS; 202 hp) of power at 6400 rpm and 245 N·m (181 lb·ft) of torque at 4400 rpm. An automatic transmission option was also added at this time, and changes to the "PLASMA Spark" ignition system followed in early 1985 towards the end of R30 production.

FJ20ET Engine

DR30 RS-Turbo
To this day the FJ20-powered R30 Skyline remains a cult car both at home and overseas (there are still dedicated "one make" drag racing events for this model in Japan), and is credited with rejuvenating the Skyline brand in the early 1980s. It also paved the way for the eventual re-introduction of the legendary GT-R badge, markedly absent since the end of C110 Skyline production in 1973.
The RS achieved moderate success in Australian Touring car racing in the mid-1980s with Nissan winning the 1986 Australian Manufacturers' Championship [11] and sharing victory in the 1987 Australian Manufacturers' Championship with BMW.[12]
Models: (Japan)


1988–1990 Nissan Skyline (R31) Executive sedan (Australia)
Also called 7th SKYLINE(1985-1987)
Production 1985-1989
309,716 units sold
Assembly Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
4-door hardtop
2-door coupe
4-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Engine(s) 1.8 L CA18I I4
2.0 L CA20E I4
2.0 L RB20E I6
2.0 L RB20ET I6
2.0 L RB20DE I6
2.0 L RB20DET I6
2.0 L RB20DET-R I6
3.0 L RB30E I6
2.8 L Diesel RD28 I6
Wheelbase 2,615 mm (103.0 in)
Length 4,650 mm (183.1 in)
Width 1,690 mm (66.5 in)
Height 1,385 mm (54.5 in)
Related Nissan Laurel
Nissan Leopard F31
Nissan Pintara
The R31 Skyline of 1986 was a natural evolution on the R30 shape, and also this one was loosely based on the Laurel platform (C32). The design was slightly larger and squarer than previous Skylines. It was available as a Sedan, Hardtop sedan, Coupe and station wagon. Affectionately known as the "Seventhsu" or simply "7th Sukairain" by owners, due to it being the 7th generation Skyline.

1988–1990 Nissan Skyline (R31) Executive sedan (Australia)

1988–1990 Nissan Skyline (R31) GXE station wagon (Australia).

R31 Nissan Skyline Coupe 2000 GTS-R
The R31 Skyline introduced many new technologies and features. The HR31 was the first Skyline to be equipped with the new RB-series of engines. The R31 RB engines are often referred to as "Red Top" engines because of the red cam covers. There were three variants. The earliest series of DOHC RB engines used the NICS (Nissan Induction Control System) injection system with 12 very small intake runners, and a butterfly system to divide the intake ports in half for better low RPM performance. Later versions used ECCS (Electronically Concentrated Control System) engine management, discarded the twelve tiny runners for six much larger ones (though they retained twelve ports on the head, so there was a splitter plate), and received a slightly larger turbocharger. Nissan's RD28, a 2.8 straight-6 engine, featured for a diesel option. Another technological first for the R31 was the introduction of Nissan's proprietary 4-wheel steering system, dubbed HICAS (High Capacity Active Steering). The R31 series were also the only models in the Skyline family to feature a 4-door hardtop variation. These models were generally badged as the Passage GT.
The R31 Skyline was also produced in Australia, with a 3.0 L motor (RB30E) available in sedan or wagon form, as well as a four-cylinder version called the Nissan Pintara. The wagon had the same front style as the coupe and sedan—the only difference being that it lacked the four round brake lights that had been a consistent element of Skyline design (except for the R31 series one/two which had rectangular taillights with a solid bar through the centre which was also shared by the Pintara). These cars were manufactured in Australia due to the heavy import laws which made it expensive to bring cars into Australia.
29,305 R31 Skylines were also manufactured and sold in South Africa in 4-door sedan form between 1987 and 1992. These were the last Skylines seen in South Africa. Power came from either the RB30E 3.0 straight-6 motor, RB20E 2.0 straight-6 motor or the CA20S 4-cylinder powerplant.

[edit] GTS-R

The ultimate version of the R31 was the RB20DET-R powered HR31 GTS-R Coupe of which 800 units were built to allow homologation for Group A Touring Car racing. It had a reworked version of the normal RB20DET with a much larger turbocharger on a tubular steel exhaust manifold, as well as a much larger front mounted intercooler boosting power to a factory claimed 210 ps (154 kW), with racing versions making over 430 hp (321 kW) in Group A trim.


  • Pintara - 2.0 L CA20E I4, 102 hp (78 kW, 160 N m)
  • GX, Executive, GXE, Silhouette, Ti - 3.0 L RB30E SOHC I6, 155 hp (114 kW, 247 N m)
  • GTS1 - 3.0 L RB30E SOHC I6, 176 hp (130 kW, 255 N m)
  • GTS2 - 3.0 L RB30E SOHC I6, 190 hp (140 kW, 270 N m)
'South Africa'
  • 2.0GL, 2.0GLE - 2.0 L CA20S I4, 106 hp (78 kW, 163 N m)
  • 2.0SGLi - 2.0 L RB20E SOHC I6, 115 hp (85 kW, 174 N m)
  • 3.0SGLi - 3.0 L RB30E SOHC I6, 171 hp (126 kW, 260 N m)


Nissan GTR R32
Also called SKYLINE(1989-1991)
Production 1989-1994
296,087 units sold GT-R's Standard-40390 Nismo-560 vspec-1453 vspecII-1303
Assembly Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive / all-wheel drive
Engine(s) 1.8  CA18I I4
2.0 L RB20E I6
2.0 L RB20DE I6
2.5 L RB25DE I6
2.0 L RB20DET I6
2.6 L RB26DETT I6 (GT-R, GTS-4R)
Transmission(s) 5-speed automatic 5-speed manual
Wheelbase 2,615 mm (103.0 in)
Length 4,580 mm (180.3 in) (sedan)
Width 1,695 mm (66.7 in)
Height 1,340 mm (52.8 in) (sedan)
Curb weight 1,280 kg (2,821.9 lb) (type-m) 1,430 kg (3,152.6 lb) (GT-R, GTS-4R)
Fuel capacity 60 litres (non GT-R), 75 litres (GT-R)
Related Nissan Laurel
Nissan Cefiro

R32 Nissan Skyline GT-R

Veilside Nissan R32 Evolution III GTR - ARKHAM
The HCR32 Skyline debuted in May 1989. It was available as either a 2-door coupe or 4-door hardtop sedan, all other bodystyles were dropped. The R32 featured several versions of the RB-series straight-6 engines, which had improved heads (the twelve port inlet was gone) and used the ECCS (Electronically Concentrated Control System) injection system. Also available were an 1,800 cc 4 cylinder GXi model. Most models had HICAS four-wheel steering, with the rear wheels being hydraulically linked to the front steering. The 2.5 litre version became one of the first cars made in Japan to feature a 5-speed automatic transmission. The GTS-t Type M included larger five-stud 16 inch wheels, four piston front callipers and twin piston rears. ABS was optional (except for the GT-R), viscous LSD was standard on all turbo models and optional on all but the GXi. Nissan also produced 100 Australian models of the R32. These were the only non-Japan only Skylines ever produced. There was also a 4WD version of the GTS-t Type M, called the GTS-4.
R32 Models:
  • GXi Type-X - 1.8 L CA18i I4, 91 hp (67 kW)
  • GTE Type-X - 2.0 L RB20E I6, 125 hp (93 kW, 152 N m)
  • GTS Type-X, S, J - 2.0 L RB20DE I6 155 hp (115 kW, 154 N m)
  • GTS-25 Type-X, S, XG - 2.5 L RB25DE I6, 180 hp (134 kW, 231 N m)
  • GTS-t Type-M - 2.0 L RB20DET turbo I6, 212 hp (158 kW, 263 N m)
  • GTS-4 - 2.0 L RB20DET turbo I6, 212 hp (158 kW, 263 N m)
  • Autech Skyline - 2.6 L RB26DE I6, 217 hp (162 kW, Autech Version - auto only)
  • GT-R - 2.6 L RB26DETT twin-turbo I6, 276 hp (280ps) (206 kW, 368 N m) also NISMO,N1, V-Spec, and V-Spec II variants.
  • NISMO S-Tune


The GT-R returned with twin ceramic turbochargers, all-wheel steering, electronically controlled all wheel drive, and 276 hp (206 kW) at 6800 rpm. The RB26DETT engine actually produced ~320 hp, but it was unstated due to the Japanese car makers' "gentlemen's agreement" not to exceed 206 kW (276 hp). The engine was designed for ~500 hp in racing trim,and then muzzled by the exhaust, boost restriction, and ECU. The electronic boost control had a small physical restriction in the control lines. It was marked in yellow so the new owner could remove it and enjoy a safe factory boost increase.After this increase the car would put out ~230 kW and could do 0–100 km/h in 4.7seconds and quarter mile in 12.8 seconds.citation needed
The GT-R had a significantly larger intercooler, larger brakes, and aluminium front guards and bonnet. Other distinguishing features include flared front and rear wheel arches. More supportive seats were fitted, and the turbo boost gauge and digital clock were removed from inside the instrument cluster. The clock was replaced with a torque meter that indicated how much torque was being delivered to the front wheels (0%–50%). Oil temp, voltage, and turbo boost gauges were fitted just above the climate control.
The Porsche 959 was Nissan's target when designing the GT-R. The chief engineer, Naganori Itoh, intended to use the car for Group A racing, so the design specification was drawn up in conjunction with a copy of the Group A rules. The Nordschleife production car record at the time of development was 8'45" - set by a Porsche 944. Nissan test driver Hiroyoshi Katoh reset the record with a time of 8'20".Motoring managed 8'22"38.
The R32 GT-R dominated Japanese Touring Car Championship (JTCC), winning 29 races from 29 starts, taking the series title every year from 1989 to 1993. It took 50 races from 50 starts from 1991 to 1997 (latterly R33) in the N1 Super Taikyu.
The R32 GT-R was introduced in to the Australian Touring Car Championship in 1990 and promptly ended the reign of the previously all-conquering Ford Sierra Cosworth, winning Bathurst 1000 classic in 1991 and 1992. This success led to the Australian motoring press nicknaming the car Godzilla due to it being a "monster from Japan". As Australia was the first export market for the car the name quickly spread. Such was GT-R's dominance that it is seen by somewho? as a significant factor in the demise of Group A Touring Car racing, the formula being scrapped soon after. JTCC was similarly blighted by the R32 GT-R, and splintered soon after, leading to the switch to the Supertouring category and also indirectly to the GT500 category of today.
When originally designed, the homologation rulebook mandated 16-inch wheels, so that's what the GT-R got. This limited the size of the brakes, and the Nissan four pots weren't really up to competition use. A later change in rules allowed 17-inch wheels, so in February 1993 the GT-R V-spec (for Victory) emerged wearing 17" BBS mesh wheels(225/50/17) covering larger Brembo brakes. The clutch actuation changed from a push to a pull system, the car had the standard rear differential, the electronic rear differential did not show up until the R33 Vspec. A year later the V-Spec II appeared with a new sticker and wider tires(245/45/17).[19]


R33 Nissan Skyline GT-R
Production 1993-1998
217,133 units sold
Assembly Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive / all-wheel drive
Engine(s) 2.0 L RB20E I6
2.5 L RB25DE I6
2.5 L RB25DET I6
2.6 L RB26DETT I6 (GT-R)
2.8 L RBX-GT2 I6 (400R)
Transmission(s) 4-speed automatic
5-speed manual
5-speed automatic
Wheelbase 2,720 mm (107.1 in)
Length 4,720 mm (185.8 in) (sedan)
Width 1,720 mm (67.7 in)
Height 1,360 mm (53.5 in) (sedan)
Curb weight 1,390 kg (3,064.4 lb) (GTS25-T)
1,530 kg (3,373.1 lb)(GT-R)
Fuel capacity 22 gallons
Related Nissan Laurel
Nissan Stagea

R33 Skyline GTS25T four door (rear).

R33 Skyline interior.
The R33 Skyline was introduced in August 1993. Slightly heavier than the R32, it is available in coupe and sedan bodystyles. All models now used a 6-cylinder engine. Nissan took the unusual step of down-grading the GTS model to have only the RB20E, while the twin-cam of the R32 GTS was discontinued along with the 2.0 L turbo RB20DET.
Some models came equipped with a new version of the HICAS 4-wheel steering system called Super HICAS. This computer controlled system was first used on the R32 GTR. Super HICAS used electric actuators to steer the rear, as opposed to the hydraulic HICAS. This generation was no longer considered a "compact" under Japanese legislation that determined the amount of tax liability based on exterior dimensions.
As an option, an active limited slip differential was available instead of the standard viscous LSD. This new unit locked the rear differential if it detected that traction was lost by one of the wheels. A light on the dash also lit up if the LSD engaged. Active LSD came standard on all V-spec R33 GT-R Skylines and was also available on some ECR33 GTS25t models; these can be identified by the A-LSD and SLIP lights on the tachometer.
The RB25DE and RB25DET engines also became equipped with NVCS (variable inlet cam phasing). NVCS equipped RBs have a bulge on the front of the cam cover. To celebrate their 40th anniversary, Nissan introduced a very rare 4 door GT-R. Two versions of the 4-door GT-R were available from Nissan's subsidiaries: the first was produced by Autech, and the second was a joint Autech/Nismo project.
An R33 based wagon was released in September 1996, called the Stagea. It had a different body style than the R33 and R34 and (with the exception of the RS FOUR & Autech variants) was only available with an automatic transmission. A common modification on the Stagea is to fit it with an R34 skyline front, in effect making a 4 door R34 wagon. The Stagea is the only all wheel drive manual transmission Nissan on the R33 platform with the RB25DET engine. Presumably, a 5 speed AWD Skyline equipped with an RB25DET would have been too close in performance to the much more expensive GT-R. There was also an Autech Stagea, the 260RS released with full GT-R running gear, the RB26DETT engine, body kit, 17" BBS style alloys, GT-R instrumentation, and manual transmission.[20]
R33 models:


R33 Skyline GTST series 2 coupe.
The R33 Skyline (Series 2) continued the concepts introduced in the R32. Driver and Passenger airbags became standard in 1996. As a result, pre-1996 models are barred from being imported into various countries for consumer road use as they do not meet the frontal impact standardscitation needed. For the RB25DET engine the ignition system was also changed, with the ignition module no longer located on the cam covers and was instead replaced by smart ignition coils (Ignitor built into coil) and ECU. The RB25DET turbo was also given a nylon compressor wheel. Throughout the time the R33 was produced there were quite a number of different styled lights and bodykits fitted, the actual body/chassis underwent no changes. Among the cosmetic changes in the series 2 were, the headlights which tapered down more towards the grill and were fitted with improved reflectors, the grill (which was longer on the Series 1), the bonnet which had a re-shaped leading edge to fit the new lights and front bumper changing shape in the smallest amount to match the lower edge of the new headlights. Later models of the Series 2 also had the option of having an Active-LSD fitted. The R33 ceased production in March 1998 with the 40th Anniversary R33 Series 2...


The BCNR33 GT-R version also had the same RB26DETT engine that the BNR32 was equipped with, although torque had been improved, due to changes in the turbo compressor aerodynamics, turbo dump pipe, and intercooler. The turbo core changed from a sleeve bearing to a ball bearing, but the turbine itself remained ceramic, except on N1 turbos (steel turbine, sleeve bearing). From the R33 onward, all GT-Rs received Brembo brakes. In 1995 the GT-R received an improved version of the RB26DETT, the ATTESA-ETS all wheel drive system, and Super HICAS all-wheel steering.
A limited edition model was created in 1996, called the NISMO 400R, that produced 400 hp (298 kW) from a road-tuned version of Nissan's Le Mans engine. A stronger six speed Getrag gearbox was used.
An R33 GT-R driven by Dirk Schoysman lapped the Nordschleife in less than 8 minutes. Though it was often said to be the first production car to break 8 minutes, the limited run Jaguar XJ220 had already achieved a 7'46" lap.Other manufacturers had caught up since the R32 was released, and the R33 never dominated motorsport to the extent of the R32.
Michael Begley with the Gaijin R33 GTR  currently holds the European four wheel drive 1/4 mile record with a time of 8.06 @ 173 mph. This record was set at Santa Pod raceway in England. Gaijin ("the outsider") is tuned by TR Racing in Harlow Essex UK. This R33 GTR is said to have had in the region of 1400 bhp. The owner Mick Begley lives in the UK and is reportedly chasing a 7 second pass.


R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R Nür
Production 1998–2002
64,623 units sold
Assembly Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive / all-wheel drive
Engine(s) 2.0 L RB20DE I6
2.5 L RB25DE I6
2.5 L RB25DET I6
2.6 L RB26DETT I6
Transmission(s) 4-speed automatic
5-speed manual
6-speed manual
Wheelbase 2,665 mm (104.9 in)
Length 4,705 mm (185.2 in) (sedan)
Width 1,725 mm (67.9 in) (sedan)
Height 1,375 mm (54.1 in) (sedan)
Curb weight 1,540 kg (3,395.1 lb) (GT-R)
1,410 kg (3,108.5 lb) (GT-T)
Related Nissan Laurel
Nissan Stagea

A R34 Skyline 25GT-T coupe
In May 1998, the HR/ER/BNR34 addressed many of the concerns over the change from the R32 to the R33, with more emphasis on sportiness, and marked the introduction of the more fuel-efficient and environmentally-friendly RB25DET NEO engine. The RB20E engine was discontinued in the R34 base model (GT), and the RB20DE, after last being used in the R32 Skyline, was reintroduced in updated NEO guise. The R34 GT powered by the RB20DE NEO, coupled with a 5-speed gearbox, became the most fuel-efficient straight-6 Skyline to date (of any shape). It was not the most fuel-efficient straight-6 of its time though; the 1998 Toyota Supra had better reported fuel economy. The 5-speed automatic transmission available on some models in the previous two shapes were discontinued. In its place, Nissan produced a 4-speed Tiptronic transmission for all of the automatic versions (Except the base 2.0L, which has a standard 5 speed gearbox).


The GT-R reappeared in 1999, with a revised chassis and other updates. The R34 turbos received a ball bearing core. The R34 N1 turbos had a metal exhaust wheel, and ball bearing center section. A 6-speed Getrag gearbox was used. The turbo outlet pipes were changed from cast to formed metal outlets. The intercooler had a temperature probe in the V-spec models.

A GT-R M-Spec Nür photographed in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Models:GT-R' - 2.6 L RB26DETT twin-turbo I6, 332 PS (244 kW, 392 Nm) (advertised as 280)[24]
  • GT-R V-Spec - Additional aero parts, brake ventilation ducts, diffuser.
  • GT-R V-Spec II - As above + carbon fibre hood with NACA duct.
  • GT-R N1 - Blueprinted N1 motor, no A/C, no stereo, no rear wiper, basic interior trim. (only 45 made)
  • GT-R M-Spec - Leather interior, softer suspension with "Ripple Control" dampers, heated seats.
  • GT-R V-Spec II Nür - As above V-Spec II + N1 motor, 300 km/h speedo. (only 750 made)
  • GT-R M-Spec Nür - As above M-Spec + N1 motor, 300 km/h speedo. (only 250 made)
  • GT-R NISMO R-tune
  • GT-R NISMO Z-tune - 2.8 L (bored and stroked) RB26DETT Z2 twin-turbo I6, 500 PS (368 kW, 540 Nm) Z1 and Z2 (Only 20 made)


As part of Nissan Skyline's 50th anniversary, Warner Music Japan published a CD titled SKYLINE 50th ANNIVERSARY CD, featuring music from Nissan Skyline commercials. Skyline model cars had also been produced.Nissan also staged an exhibition in midtown Tokyo called Grand Touring - The Legend and the Future in which examples of all twelve generations of Skyline were shown.


Nissan V35 Skyline 350GT.jpg
Also called Infiniti G35
Production sedan: 2001-2006
coupe: 2003-2007
Assembly Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive / All wheel drive
Platform Nissan FM platform
Engine(s) 2.5 L VQ25DD V6
3.0 L VQ30DD V6
3.5 L VQ35DE V6
Transmission(s) 5-speed automatic
6-speed manual
CVT Continuously Variable Transmission
Wheelbase 2850 mm (112.2 in)
Length 4630 mm (182.2 in)(coupe)
4735 mm (186.5 in) (sedan)
Width 1815 mm (71.5 in) (coupe)
1750 mm (69 in) (sedan)
Height 1390 mm (54.8 in) (coupe)
1465 mm (57.7 in) (sedan)

2002 Skyline 300GT V35
The 11th generation (V35) Nissan Skyline, introduced in June 2001, was based on Nissan's FM platform, shared with the Nissan 350Z. The Nissan Skyline used a front-midship engine (VQ35DE), rear-wheel drive layout(all-wheel drive was available for the sedan) to achieve a 52%/48% weight distribution. The V35 was the first Skyline made for export to the United States. There it was sold under the company's luxury brand, Infiniti as the Infiniti G35.
V35 Nissan Skyline.jpg
The V35 was a major turning point for the Skyline. There was no straight 6, no turbo, and no GT-R, a decision which extended to all later Skylines. However, despite the departure in these trademark characteristics, Nissan's decision to include a bigger engine and improve balance made many media outlets name the V35 as "the best Skyline ever", and it has continued to revive the Skyline brand internationally [29]. Choosing to gear the V35 towards the luxury-sport market, and billing the 350z as a pure sports car, Nissan put a slightly more powerful VQ35DE in the 350Z, and while the Skyline and the 350Z shared the same platform, the 350Z had additional bracing, underbody aero parts, and weighed 100 kg less.
A Japan-only Skyline with an 8-speed CVT (Continuously Variable) transmission was also sold. It was a sedan model called the 350GT-8. The 8 was for the 8-speed transmission.
Japanese tuners mostly ignored the V35 Skyline, the 2006 Tsukuba Super Lap Battle had not a single V35 entrant. Tuners such as Mines, Amuse, Hosaka, Garage Defend, M Speed, Nagisa, MCR, HKS, & Top Secret continued developing R32-R34 GT-Rs as time attack cars. Top Secret did tune a V35, but replaced the VQ35DE with a VK45DE V8 Twin Turbo.Signal USA entered a V35 in Formula D, replacing the VQ35DE with an SR20DET.
  • 250GT - 2.5 L VQ25DD V6, 215 PS (158 kW, 270 N m)
  • 250GT Four - 2.5 L VQ25DD V6, 215 PS (158 kW, 270 Nm) AWD
  • 300GT - 3.0 L VQ30DD V6, 260 PS (191 kW, 324 N m)
  • 350GT-8 - 3.5 L VQ35DE V6, 272 PS (200 kW, 353 N m)
  • 350GT Coupe - 3.5 L VQ35DE V6, 280 PS (206 kW, 363 N m)

[edit] V36/J50

V36, J50
Also called Infiniti G35
Infiniti G37
Infiniti EX37
Production 2006-
Assembly Tochigi, Tochigi, Japan
Body style(s) 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
2-door convertible
5-door crossover SUV
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive / all-wheel drive
Platform Nissan FM platform
Engine(s) 2.5L VQ25HR V6
3.5L VQ35HR V6
3.7L VQ37VHR V6
Transmission(s) 5-speed automatic
6-speed manual
7-speed automatic
Wheelbase 2850 mm (112.2 in)
Length 4750 mm (187.0 in) (sedan)
Width 1775 mm (69.8 in) (sedan)
Height 1455 mm (57.2 in) (sedan)
1470 mm (57.8 in)(xAWD sedan)
Related Infiniti FX
Infiniti M
Nissan 350Z
Infiniti G37
Infiniti EX
The 12th generation Skyline appeared on 20 November 2006.
It was first available only as a 4-door sedan in Japan and was also sold in the USA as the 2007 Infiniti G35. It is equipped with either a VQ25HR 2.5 L V6 producing 165 kW or a VQ35HR 3.5 L V6 with 232 kW. The 2.5 L is available with all-wheel drive as well.
On May 13, 2008, Nissan announced that a convertible variant of the Infiniti G37 (U.S. Spec Skyline coupe) will be produced for the 2009 model year.

250GT sedan (DBA-V36, DBA-NV36)

All wheel drive is standard on 250GT FOUR models.
250GT Type S was introduced for 2008 model year.
17-inch wheels are standard for all model ranges, except for the 250GT Type S, which has 18-inch wheels.

350GT sedan

It is a Japanese version of the G35 sedan.
4-wheel active steering is available in Type S and Type SP as option.

370GT coupe (DBA-CKV36)

Introduced in 2007 for the 2008 model year, it is a Japanese version of the Infiniti G37 coupe.
18-inch wheels are used on the base and 370GT Type P cars, while Type S and Type SP cars include 19-inch wheels.

370GT sedan (DBA-KV36)

Introduced in 2008 for the 2009 model year, it is a Japanese version of the Infiniti G37 sedan. It replaced the 350GT sedan.
18-inch wheels are standard for all model ranges, except for the 370GT Type P, which has 17-inch wheels.

50th Limited (2008-)

It is an option for 250GT Type P, 350GT Type P, 350GT Type SP, 250GT FOUR Type P, commemorating 50th anniversary of Nissan Skyline.The interior is marked with anniversary red leather seats, and serial numbered front glass. This package went on sale on 2008-03-31.

370GT crossover (DBA-J50, DBA-NJ50)

Introduced in 2009, it is based on Infiniti EX37. The vehicle went on sale in 2009-04-18.
All wheel drive is standard on 370GT FOUR models.
18-inch wheels are standard for all model ranges.

[edit] Body styles

Chassis code V36 J50
Body style coupe, sedan crossover


Model Years Engine Type/code Power, torque@rpm Drive
250GT sedan (DBA-V36) 2006- 2,495 cc (2.495 L; 152.3 cu in) V6 (VQ25HR) 225 PS (165 kW; 222 hp)@6800, 263 N·m (194 lb·ft)@4800 RWD
250GT FOUR sedan (DBA-NV36) 2006- 2,495 cc (2.495 L; 152.3 cu in) V6 (VQ25HR) 225 PS (165 kW; 222 hp)@6800, 263 N·m (194 lb·ft)@4800 AWD
350GT sedan 2006–2008 3,498 cc (3.498 L; 213.5 cu in) V6 (VQ35HR) 315 PS (232 kW; 311 hp)@6800, 358 N·m (264 lb·ft)@4800 RWD
370GT coupe (DBA-CKV36) 2007- 3,696 cc (3.696 L; 225.5 cu in) V6 (VQ37VHR) 333 PS (245 kW; 328 hp)@7000, 363 N·m (268 lb·ft)@5200 RWD
370GT sedan (DBA-KV36) 2008- 3,696 cc (3.696 L; 225.5 cu in) V6 (VQ37VHR) 330 PS (240 kW; 330 hp)@7000, 361 N·m (266 lb·ft)@5200 RWD
370GT crossover (DBA-J50) 2009- 3,696 cc (3.696 L; 225.5 cu in) V6 (VQ37VHR) 330 PS (240 kW; 330 hp)@7000, 361 N·m (266 lb·ft)@5200 RWD
370GT FOUR crossover (DBA-NJ50) 2009- 3,696 cc (3.696 L; 225.5 cu in) V6 (VQ37VHR) 330 PS (240 kW; 330 hp)@7000, 361 N·m (266 lb·ft)@5200 AWD


Model Years Standard Optional
250GT sedan 2006- 5-speed automatic -
350GT sedan 2006–2008 5-speed automatic -
370GT coupe 2007–2008 5-speed automatic 6-speed manual (Type S, Type SP)
370GT coupe 2008- 7-speed automatic 6-speed manual (Type S, Type SP)
370GT sedan 2008- 7-speed automatic -
370GT crossover 2009- 7-speed automatic -